Kids room usually isn’t the biggest in the house. Although they sometimes have more need in space than others because the grow and new things change the old ones. If there is more than kid than that become even bigger problem. Loft beds are the first step to improve their space. The second step is loft bedrooms. The Italian company Tumidei designed a great collection of such teenage bedrooms layouts. Projecting of the bedroom become a great test of imagination because of 33 colors of materials, 8 colors of metal, different kinds of melamine, beds under the closets, closets under the beds, bureaus under the beds and over the closets. Almost anything in Tumidei’s loft bedrooms is customizable.
Loft bedrooms aren’t just space savers. Besides their functionality Tumidei made them very cool and fashioned. They have very contemporary design so every modern teenager will stand up among their friends when they see such room.

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